
Can anti-blue light glasses relieve eye fatigue?

Update:2022-12-30 00:00
If your eyes feel dry and tired after staring at your computer screen all day, you're not alone. Wearing anti-blue light glasses is a great solution, but a recent study found little evidence to support the use of anti-blue light filters to prevent digital eye strain.
But blue light has been known to disrupt your sleep schedule because it disrupts your night rhythm (the internal clock that tells you when it's time to sleep or wake up). So if you're scrolling through your phone late at night or can't sleep, blue-light-blocking glasses might be a good option.
Blue light-blocking glasses have specially made lenses that are said to block or filter out the blue light emitted by digital screens. These lenses are often marketed with the claim that they will protect your eyes from eye strain and help reduce potential retinal damage from prolonged exposure to blue light.
  It might surprise you, but many eye problems caused by digital screens are not caused by blue light. Many people experience eye discomfort from digital screens, but most problems actually fall under the umbrella of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
CVS is a widespread eye strain and discomfort problem. When looking at a screen, your eyes are constantly shifting focus and moving. Plus, glare and contrast can be uncomfortable for your eyes. So while prolonged computer use may irritate your eyes, your eye discomfort isn't directly coming from the blue light itself.
When we stare at digital screens or devices for long periods of time, we don't blink as often, which can cause the cornea to become dry and inflamed. When we focus our eyes on something close up, like a screen or even a book, our eyes strain and constrict, which can lead to eye discomfort. But if you look ahead at a distant object, your eyes relax.